Bowling for Columbine is an American documentary film, released in 2002, which was written, directed and narrated by Michael Moore. Michael Moore's aim of the documentary was to explore what he suggests are the main causes for the Columbine High School massacre in 1999 and other acts of violence involving guns in the USA.
At first it seems that his answer will be obvious that guns are easily available across the US, even been able to pick one up at a bank for opening a new account. But it goes further than just an anti-gun promotion documentary, but dives into the narrative of the media, racism and greed. Michael Moore clearly and convincingly expresses his rage when it comes to gun crime.
"Are we just a nation of guns or are we just nuts";
a quote from Michael Moore where he displays his unique process of integration
and analysis to come to the truth about America's necessity of guns.
Michael investigates the Columbine High School massacre in
which 12 students and 1 teacher were shot by 2 students of the school in 1999.
The 2 students committed suicide; 15 deaths occurred from the shootings.
The documentary won numerous awards and Michael Moore and
gained international success. It won 6 awards including Academy Award for Best
Documentary Feature.
Michael Moore uses editing in some scenes of the documentary
to make the point seem more powerful, in some scenes when he is talking to
someone and asking them questions he will leave the camera on the person
answering the questions for a few seconds so that the viewers can see their
facial expressions to what said.
Near the end of the doc Moore confronts Charles Heston (a
spokesperson for pro-gun laws) about a young girl whom was murdered by a gun in
his hometown of Flint. A medium size shot of showing Moore holding up the photo
of the girl. This is shortly followed with Charles leaving his seat and walking
back to his house, this shows the views that he may have regrets what he has
said about guns in the past.
This creates the moral narrative of the documentary; it shows that
Charles Heston may be wrong about guns and his view may have gotten people
killed, him talking positive about guns is wrong in some manner.
Michael Moore puts the viewer in a position in which they can determine
their own point of view and compare it to his own views. He gives the audiences
as lot to consider, we have to come up with our own conclusion.
Josh this is a little brief but a good starting point for our venture into the world of Documentaries. Going forward identify which category of Documentary it is so that your reader is aware of your understanding of the topic. Also in the spirit of CCCEO please ensure that these elements have been included: How many have you used and where?
ReplyDeleteCharlton Heston formerly a very esteemed american actor, who ironically played the peaceful Moses in Cecil B De Mills epic tale he Ten Commandments, Ben Hur and the Planet of The Apes a tale about cruelty and the breakdown of society.