Wasp and Soft

The similarities of Wasp and Soft are that they both share the safe genre, which is drama. Another similarities that they share are that they have been both set in similar area, but a difference is that they are different working classes, Wasp is based in a lower classed area while Soft is more middle class. Another similarity between wasp and soft is that they both show a relationship between a child and a parent. Both parents are putting them selves before their children. Another similarity is that both could be very possible in real life, which is with very possible with most Dramas. Another similarity is that both parents do care about their family even though the way they act might seem different.

The differences between Wasp and soft are than they are in different classes in society.  Another difference between the two is that in wasp her children were listening to her and doing what she said, while in soft the son was acting against his dad believing that violence was the method of making the gang leave.

The theme of both films is that the parents are putting themselves before the good of there children. In Wasp the mother Zoe is putting herself before her kids by wanting to go out instead of being at home caring, she also has her kids waiting outside for hours and spends the money feeding them on her drinks. Zoe also leaves her seven-year-old daughter in charge of three younger siblings. While in Soft the father is putting himself first, as he is to scare to protect his family and property. 

In soft the sound plays a big part in telling the story. When the father is walking back and from the shop there is peace and quite and also the birds are chirping, this is showing how the area they live in is a peaceful and safe. While the gang are being loud and disrupting the peace and quite of the town. The dialog of soft also plays a big role, the father, son and the neighbour are all very well spoken and speak with respect, but the gangs dialogue is full of slag and bad language showing that they are from a poorer background, this shows that they don’t have respect for anybody.

The sound in wasp is representing their surroundings, while they are walking down the street and you can hear busy roads and other people shouting you can tell that they are in a poorer neighbourhood, the sound of David’s car also represents that they are from a poor background as it takes a few try’s o get it starting. The dialogue of wasp shows how Zoe is as a mother, she is constantly swearing in front of her young children.


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