Finding Dory
Finding Dory (2016)

Finding Dory is a sequel to the Disney film Finding Nemo, the sequel takes place a year after the original while it took 13 years for the second release. The Antagonist in the film is Dory played by Ellen DeGenesre, who has her own talk show that she has been hosting since 2003.
Both films are very similar, both of them have the parents and the children lost from each other, both of the children lost both have disabilities with Dory's mind and Nemo's fin. The way that both parents handle their children is seeing them as being weak or being vulnerable. instead of determined and persistence.
the budget for Finding Dory was an estimate $200,000,000. The film grossed made $485,684,472. Finding Dory made $1,154,398 less than Finding Nemo as it had a high Film budget.
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